Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thomas photo shoot!

Todays entry is about my awesome photo shoot with Thomas. He was such a good sport about it. I was being kind of bossy, but he thought it was funny. He thinks everything is funny. It started off with some photos by the river, but that was so boring! Luckily for me there was a wonderful fountain near by so I got a couple shots of him there. Surprisingly the shots by the river turned out better than the ones at the fountain! Which was the place I originally wanted to shoot. Near the end the roles changed and Thomas was oh so kind to take some shots of me. It was super fun! Ended up with me in the fountain (not naked of course!). Anyways, I shall post my shots of Thomas. Even though my only follower is Syd and she's already seen them Ha!

Thom being handsome by the river. Awe.

Thom being handsome again. Awe.

Me climbing on the fountain/sculpture thing. I don't know what it is, but its fun to climb!

Anyways, that was my photo shoot with Thomas. It was good times!